- ICARUS Policy Brief: 3rd issue
- ICARUS Policy Brief: 1st and 2nd issue
- Life cycle assessment of municipal waste management options
- Assessing personal exposure using Agent Based Modelling informed by sensors technology
- Integrating ridesharing services with automated vehicles into macroscopic travel demand models
- Methodology for Estimating the Lifelong Exposure to PM2.5 and NO2—The Application to European Population Subgroups
- Comparing Airborne Particulate Matter Intake Dose Assessment Models Using Low-Cost Portable Sensor Data
- Concurrently Measured Concentrations of Atmospheric Mercury in Indoor (household) and Outdoor Air of Basel, Switzerland
- The role of humidity in determining scenarios of perceived temperature extremes in Europe
- Multi-city comparative PM2.5 source apportionment for fifteen sites in Europe
- Health impact assessment by the implementation of Madrid City air-quality plan in 2020
- Benefits on public health from transport-related greenhouse gas mitigation policies in Southeastern European cities
- Amenazas, desafíos y oportunidades para la salud medioambiental pediátrica en Europa, América Latina y el Caribe
- Carbon footprinting in health systems-one small step towards planetary health
- City scale climate change policies: Do they matter for wellbeing?
- Transition pathways for the transport sector – a case-study for the City of Stuttgart
Please visit the ICARUS papers repository at https://zenodo.org/communities/icarus-2020/search?page=1&size=20